Pictures for Wines and Vines Article  July 2008

Owner of Camalie Vineyards, Mark Holler and Vineyard Manager Ramon Pulido making leaf water potential measurements.


Camalie Vineyards Owner Mark Holler making a leaf water potential measurement.

Vineyard Manager Ramon Pulido measuring leaf water potentials

Irrigation manifold at Camalie Vineyards showing pressure transducers and wireless tranceiver.

Pressure transducers and wireless tranceiver  monitoring must weight in fermenters

Wireless transceiver in the Vineyard monitoring soil moisture and soil temperature.

Green home at Camalie Vineyards with solar panels, primary energy source for heating.

Solar heating system for "green" home on site; system temperatures monitored wirelessly by the same transceivers used in the vineyard. 

Web page showing 3 day temperature trends in the vineyard


Web page with map showing positions of wireless network nodes at Camalie and two neighboring vineyards all using one internet connection.

Soil Moisture Plot for three locations with sensors at 24" depth in irrigation block one of Camalie Vineyards

Camalie Vineyards barn

Trusty Rusty the vineyard dog at Camalie Vineyards