Spreadsheet with the raw data.
Data above was taken during the 2007 growing season. See the paper below for details and the spreadsheet below for all of the raw data.
"High Density Wireless Soil Moisture Monitoring for Deficit Irrigation Management" pdf file of paper at Crossbow Technology Website.
High Density Wireless Soil Moisture monitoring for Deficit Irrigation Management Word File
Poster presented at ASEV 59th meeting June 19, 2008 ASEVPoster10.pptx
Below is a correlation done most recently on 6/20/08 using data from 14 locations with 24" deep sensors and 6 locations with new 36" deep sensors. Interestingly the 36" deep sensors had the best correlation with the leaf water potential data as was suspected would be the case after seeing the 24" deep sensors correlate better than 12" deep sensors last year.
Here is the raw data WirelessSensing/Correl062008.xls
Last Updated 6/26/08 M.H.