Konrad Vineyards Photos  Aug.  17, 2009

Here are some recent photos from the last few days.  Veraison is almost complete and we have begun our irrigation.

Block K6

Blcok K6

Block K1 Looking South

Block K1


Irrigation History Thus far.  All blocks have now received some water, however the lower blocks have received only one application and K6  has only received water in the 8 driest rows.   Our water status is good with about 4 ft. of the pond used and 8ft. Left to go.   We have used about  90K gallons thus far which is about 12 gallons per vine if averaged over the whole vineyard.   Timer controlled valves were added to allow irrigation in sequence  without having to be present for every on/off event.  See picture below.    These programmable timers  also let us irrigate at night when evaporation is less. 

I was having trouble getting water to the top of block K1 and found that the siphon had air in it.  I refilled it which solved the problem.  The soil moisture sensors in K1 exposed this issue.   The photo on the right is of the siphon line through the forest, my irrigator’s nightmare.  Sudden oak death is killing many of the valley live oaks which then rapidly fall over or break off several feet above the ground.   If one of these trees breaks the siphon line the pond would drain in about 40 hours which is why I would like to have a monitor on the pressure or flow in this line. 

Last edited by M.Holler  8/18/09
