Wisconsin Vacation
July 31-August 8 1999
Visiting the folks, doing a little fishing, letting the kids experience some new things.
Here is Natalie on the beach at Green Bay.
Here is a storm moving through. The weather was very unstable. The week after the third week of July proved to be cold as feared. The wind switches to the Northwest, the right in this view bringing down arctic air relatively abruptly late in the summer.
This is a sunset over the bay.
Cameron with the big Sheephead I caught. Biggest fish caught.
Vacation fisherman with Sheephead.
Same guy with two small mouth bass. Good Eatin.
Here is my Mom's Garden in the city of Green Bay.
Morning view of the beach in full sunlight.
Sunset over the water.
Some movies here need some work to get to MPEG form.
Grandma teaching Cameron to play cards.
Grandpa's Birthday Cake.
Driving down the road to Holler's Hollow.
1999 Review
Created by Mark Holler
8/8/99, updated 12/28/99